How To Properly Take Care Of Your Lenses

If you’ve invested in a good pair of glasses, you undoubtedly want to keep them in the best shape for as long as possible. Though glasses can appear rugged, their lenses are susceptible to scratches, smudges, and other damage that can impair vision. Our team at Professional Eye Care in Jamaica has created a guide that offers the best strategies to preserve the longevity of your lenses.

Use both hands to Remove

When it comes to the proper handling of your glasses, using both hands is important  to keep in mind. This not only helps prevent distortion or misalignment of the frames but can also save you from potential damages in case of a fall. Dropping your glasses, even from a short height, can lead to a cracked frame or lens damage. 

By making it a habit to use both hands, you will also reduce the tension on the hinges, thus slowing down the chance of becoming loose or breaking. Remember, properly handling your glasses will keep them in excellent condition, so they can provide you with crystal-clear vision.

Clean Lenses Regularly 

Dust, fingerprints, and other types of dirt can accumulate on your lenses, leading to cloudy vision. Regular cleaning is, therefore, a non-negotiable task. Start by rinsing the lenses with lukewarm water. Avoid hot water, as it can damage the protective coating on the lenses. Use a tiny drop of mild dishwashing soap, we recommend Dawn, or a lens cleaner specially formulated, available at all Professional Eye Care locations, for eyeglasses to gently clean the lenses. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a clean, soft, lint-free cloth. Never use paper products, like tissues or paper towels, as they can scratch the lenses.

Never use harsh chemicals like bleach,  ammonia or any household cleaning solutions  to clean your glasses. They can strip off the lens coatings and cause irreversible damage. Even certain types of soap might contain chemicals that are too abrasive for your lenses. As a rule of thumb, stick toDawn dish soap or a dedicated lens cleaning solutions.

Use Proper Lens Cleaning Tools 

Taking care of your prescription lenses is essential to keep them in the best condition possible. To maintain their clarity and quality, you should use a microfiber cloth for cleaning your lenses and avoid scratches. Be sure to periodically wash your cleaning cloth to remove debris or build-up that has accumulated during routine cleaning.  In case of the accumulation of dust particles in hard-to-reach places, use canned air or a soft brush to remove it gently. However, make sure to check the compatibility of your cleaning spray before using it, as some sprays may not be suitable for your lens type.

Safely Store Your Glasses

When it comes to caring for your glasses, proper storage is key to minimizing the risk of damage or scratches. When you’re not wearing your glasses, always store them in a protective case to prevent any potential damage that may come from a fall or other accidental impact. This will also protect your glasses from dust and other debris that can gather on the lenses, causing scratches or clouding of the surface. 

Eyeglass cases may come in various styles, but a hard or  padded case is recommended for added protection. Additionally, when placing your glasses on a surface momentarily, ensure the lenses are facing upward to prevent them from getting scratched by whatever surface they are resting on.

Protect Against Sun Damage and Heat

The sun’s rays can cause damage to glasses lenses over time. Constant exposure to UV rays can lead to discoloration, warping, and even cracks in lenses, making them less effective in protecting your eyes from harmful sun rays. This is why it’s important to invest in glasses that have a UV coating or to wear sunglasses when you’re exposed to the sun’s UV rays for extended periods. Additionally, it’s best to store your glasses in a protective case when not in use to minimize their exposure to sunlight and other external elements that may damage them.  Do not leave your glasses in a hot car.

Get Regular Professional Maintenance 

While at-home care is crucial, so is regular professional maintenance at an eye doctor’s office. Opticians have specialized tools to deep-clean your glasses, removing any built-up dirt, oils, or debris that can accumulate on the lenses and frames over time. This is important because dirty glasses can reduce visual clarity, cause eyestrain, and even lead to eye infections.

In addition, opticians can adjust your glasses to make sure they are properly aligned and fitted for your face. This can help improve the comfort of your glasses, prevent them from slipping or sliding down your nose, and keep your lenses in the right position to allow for best vision.

Avoid DIY Fixes 

If your glasses break or bend, resist the urge to perform DIY fixes, which could inadvertently lead to more damage. Always seek professional help. The same rule applies to scratches on your lenses. While various online hacks suggest using toothpaste or baking soda to remove scratches, these methods can worsen the situation.

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your glasses and maintain clear vision. Remember, the key to prolonging your glasses’ lifespan lies not only in daily cleaning but also in treating them with the utmost care and respect they deserve. After all, they’re more than just an accessory; they are a vital tool for clear and comfortable vision.

Now that you know the best ways to take care of your lenses, you may need to get a comprehensive eye exam so you can invest in a new pair of glasses. If so, schedule a comprehensive eye care appointment at Professional Eye Care in Jamaica. We have six convenient locations in Mandeville, Sav-La-Mar, Montego Bay, Santa Cruz, Frome, and Rose Hall. We hope to see you soon!

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